All posts in Technology

Groton-Dunstable End of Year Wrap, 2020

The past year has been an exciting and rewarding experience supporting our dedicated staff of licensed-instructional leaders, as well as non-instructional support personnel.

As lessons and curriculum materials transition to the digital realm, it is wonderful to support students taking greater ownership of their learning by engaging in creative assignments that require digital tools and technology access. The access to technology allows our staff to implement new instructional approaches that enable persistence and provide multiple methods to demonstrate mastery and proficiency. Read more…

Limitless Learning Opportunities with Middle School One-to-One

The middle school continues to improve the One-to-One, building-based Google Chromebook program, and over the past seven months, a new appreciation has formed for the availability and learning possibilities they provide. Chromebooks are becoming industry-standard devices, affordable and durable, and make up over half of the devices shipped to the K-12 education market. Building on similar One-to-One computing environments at both Florence Roche and Swallow Union, middle school students are responsible for their assigned Chromebooks, following core values connected to positivity, integrity, and respect. Read more…

Calling All Departments: A Case for Digital Portfolios

Abstract: The Groton-Dunstable Regional School District (GDRSD) is a pre-kindergarten through the twelfth-grade regional district with a current enrollment of 2,500 students. All students are learning in a technology-rich learning environment with reliable network infrastructure, modern computing devices, and a standards-focused curriculum. With continued progress toward student growth targets on the Massachusetts Comprehensive Assessment System (MCAS), GDRSD must continue to pursue innovative classroom environments, and eliminate inequality for all students. Read more…

Upgrades to Technology Fuel Teaching Innovation

Essential to the advancement of GDRSD’s goals surrounding the creation of environments for innovation and keeping pace with advancements in digital learning, considerable technology initiatives outlined in our Strategic Technology Plan was completed this past year. Our strategic roadmap provided a framework and a time frame to complete the necessary improvements. It is exciting to share just some of the accomplishments with our community.

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One-to-One Change Initiative at Groton-Dunstable Regional Schools

Abstract: Groton-Dunstable Regional Schools is a pre-kindergarten through twelfth-grade school district with an enrollment of approximately 2,500 students. The five schools are located approximately 40 miles of Boston, Massachusetts, conveniently located near Interstate Route 495. The district features a dynamic leadership team, an outstanding faculty, and a supportive parent community. The towns of Groton and Dunstable are unique in with quaint downtown areas that boast a wonderful history and fine dining experiences as well as rural Read more…