Quote provided to Framingham State University for this Alumni Spotlight. — With a desire to increase my credibility as a technology leader and to allow for a wider array of career opportunities, I completed the Graduate Certificate program in Instructional Technology Proficiency as well as received my Master’s in Education degree with a concentration in Educational Technology at Framingham State University.
Read more…GDRSD Recap of Networking, Infrastructure Upgrades
At Groton-Dunstable Regional School District, we believe technology is an essential tool that enhances our curriculum and supports the delivery of engaging and effective instruction. In order to provide a technologically infused educational environment, every classroom must be equipped with diverse technologies to support teaching and learning. Technology must be in support of our current proven curriculum and district vision and goals. Using technology must be how students learn, not what they learn. Read more…
Groton-Dunstable End of Year Wrap, 2018
At the Groton-Dunstable Regional School District, we want students to use technology to think in ways that go beyond the pen-and-paper. We want students to use technology to construct and demonstrate their learning of curriculum content and to interact with their world. With these ideals in mind, the Technology & Digital Learning Department oversaw some very exciting advancements over this past year.
Over the summer, in conjunction with the central office move from Prescott School to the Middle School South building, a complete revamp of telephones occurred. Read more…
Get to Know Your Technology Department
Recently, I had some fun reintroducing our district level technology team. I may have taken some liberties, but it was all in good fun and I hope our staff got a good chuckle!
When we aren’t discussing the new Digital Learning and Computer Science standards, the proper placement of Category 6 ethernet patch panels in the server room or confirming the specs on our new batch of Chromebooks, your Educational Technology Department has been known to enjoy themselves. Read more…
Peak Professional Development?
Feel free to run in whichever direction you feel these questions take you. It is something I have been pondering quite a bit as of late.
- How much professional development is enough?
- At what point is professional development (and the consequences of being out of district or your classroom when school is in session) too much?
- What are our responsibilities to receive professional development on our own time? Read more…