All posts in Technology

Luke Callahan Earns the Certified Education Technology Leader CETL Designation

Massachusetts – Luke Callahan, Director of Educational Technology for the Groton-Dunstable Regional Schools recently earned the Certified Education Technology Leader (CETL) designation by passing a rigorous certification exam.

The CETL certification, awarded by the Consortium for School Networking (CoSN), signifies that Mr. Callahan has mastered the knowledge and skills needed to bring 21st century technology to our K-12 school systems.  Read more…

Groton-Dunstable End of Year Wrap for Technology

With the adoption of our five-year Strategic Technology Plan by School Committee this past June, the Educational Technology Department, in conjunction with teachers, administration, and the community, created a plan, serving as a roadmap for integrating digital learning. The Educational Technology Department continues to believe that technology will transform learning when it’s used in alignment with rigorous curriculum standards. Integrating educational technology into classrooms and lessons is essential to providing quality education and we continue to support this idea.  Read more…

Groton Herald: Schools To Upgrade Technology Infrastructure, Adoption & Support

On June 16th, the Groton Herald shared details of the Strategic Technology Plan I have been working on as well as the presentation made the School Committee. Below is a small excerpt from the article with a link to continue reading directly on the Groton Herald’s website. Read more…

Working with the Groton Council on Aging

For the past two years, I have been fortunate to make a connection with the Council on Aging, providing some technology assistance for residents of Groton. Along with our district’s systems administrator, we had a small video highlight of one of our sessions featured on, “Senior Center Spotlight.” One of my favorite aspects of the video is at the end of the segment, a quick clip shows two people working together to solve a technology question. Just love seeing the trainers out of the way and two folks working together to solve a problem. Our portion of the show begins around 19:15. Read more…

Master’s of Education in Curriculum & Instructional Technology Portfolio

As a graduate student in the Master of Education in Curriculum and Instructional Technology program, I must complete seventy-five hours of field experience distributed among the concentration courses. I am maintaining a field experience page and this digital portfolio page to document my efforts for the program.

Below are selected artifacts from the program that highlight my ability to collaborate, explore, and create. In this fast-paced educational technology landscape, these skills must be consistently fine-tuned to provide the necessary support to all personnel in my district. Twenty-first-century skills are now required for students and teachers, who must operate and thrive in a technology-infused world. Read more…