After 10-months, the Groton-Dunstable Regional School District’s Strategic Technology Plan has been presented to the school committee and is now complete. Our technology plan is a strong, one that will provide a guide for the district through the 2021-2022 school year. The following conclusion is a way I thought best to summarize the plan’s intent to rethink the purposes of schooling in the 21st century. Read more…
Teacher Appreciation Day
Working with the teachers and staff in my district has been truly a great experience. There are so many learning opportunities that I have been able to be a part of and I appreciate all our teacher’s do for our students! They rock! Read more…
Technology Plan: Letter from the Director
Below is an introduction (draft) included in the Groton-Dunstable Regional School District’s, “Strategic Technology Plan: Planning to Enable Digital Learning.”
In the hands of students and teachers, technology is powerful. When in support of a rigorous curriculum, technology can transform learning. Integrating educational technology into our classrooms and lessons is important in providing a quality education. It is the mission of the Groton-Dunstable Regional School District (District) to prepare students for a 21st century, global economy. This mission must be threaded throughout the fabric of our schools and developed as a literacy that all students must acquire. Read more…
Working with the Groton Council on Aging
For the past two years, I have been fortunate to make a connection with the Council on Aging, providing some technology assistance for residents of Groton. Along with our district’s systems administrator, we had a small video highlight of one of our sessions featured on, “Senior Center Spotlight.” One of my favorite aspects of the video is at the end of the segment, a quick clip shows two people working together to solve a technology question. Just love seeing the trainers out of the way and two folks working together to solve a problem. Our portion of the show begins around 19:15. Read more…
Groton-Dunstable: End of Year Town Report 2
Over the past year, the educational technology department spearheaded improvements across the district aimed at enhancing communications, data management and continued support of the district’s technology infrastructure.
With feedback from parents and staff, the technology department developed a capable website, which along with our television show “Back to School,” acts as a showcase of the amazing things taking place within the Groton-Dunstable Regional School District. In addition, the technology department developed a custom, online platform to showcase student work through a customized, digital portfolio tool, which is available for all students. Read more…