All posts in Professional Development

Is Coffee all We Have in Common with Curriculum?

I do realize that my last post was about the “end” of the computer lab and starting off my next post about another dramatic end or change, seems a tad dark. However, I promise there is another takeaway in here…somewhere.

This past April, I attended a pair of technology conferences that I had expected going in, would have some degree of overlap. Aside from offering free coffee, the topics, attendees, and themes varied widely and didn’t mesh at all.

On Thursday, April 10th, I attended a conference offered by the Massachusetts Educational Technology Administrators Association (METAA), which was designed for district technology leaders. Read more…

The Professional Development Buffet is Open

In a recent discussion on the LinkedIn International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) group, a question was posed…”why do many schools fail to provide adequate technology professional development?”

A fascinating and candid discussion took place, which has forced me to think deeper about the professional growth of teachers through the standard professional development model and what the expectation should be for our future. I find myself both offering and needing technology (PD) and believe there are some cold hard facts we must face… Read more…