All posts in Professional Development

When Passion Overcomplicates the Solution

Sometimes, when unraveling a concern and offering solutions, we lose the forest for the trees. It’s easy to get caught up in details, something I’m guilty of. Too much context can obscure an issue’s seemingly obvious conclusion or solution. For leaders and problem-solvers, the key is to present clear, concise recommendations upfront. If the minutiae becomes overwhelming, simplicity is often the best path forward.

A guiding principle I often return to is: Don’t check your passions at the door. However, not everyone shares the same passion for a particular issue. Many may lack the interest or the bandwidth to dive deep into problem identification and solution design. Read more…

Managing Digital Distractions: Addressing the Shift from Phones to Other Devices

As a collection of educators, teachers, paraeducators, and administrators, high school students face significant challenges when using social media during instructional time. With social media access unblocked or lenient smartphone policies, we are losing precious minutes meant for learning. Even when a smartphone or device is out of sight, the cognitive hook for a digital distraction, luring a student away from the lesson, can take 23 minutes to recover. In short, we must protect instructional time. Protecting instructional time requires establishing clear boundaries with students, which may involve implementing or adopting new policies around 1:1 programs, filtering on the device, and more. This could further include guidelines for parental communication, especially in cases where parents encourage using social media to connect with their children. Read more…

CoSN 2024 Conference – Takeaways

Resonanting statements, which were shared during the CoSN 2024 conference in April!

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MassCue Team Photo 2019

Each day I work with these great educators and educational support personnel! I am truly blessed to learn alongside my team!

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Working with the Groton Council on Aging

For the past two years, I have been fortunate to make a connection with the Council on Aging, providing some technology assistance for residents of Groton. Along with our district’s systems administrator, we had a small video highlight of one of our sessions featured on, “Senior Center Spotlight.” One of my favorite aspects of the video is at the end of the segment, a quick clip shows two people working together to solve a technology question. Just love seeing the trainers out of the way and two folks working together to solve a problem. Our portion of the show begins around 19:15. Read more…