All posts in M.Ed. Program

Metrics of Success in 1:1 Porgram

As we move into 2025, a simple question I am attempting to approach through various perspectives is what constitutes a successful 1:1 student device program. What metrics are being used to support such a claim? No, gotcha; just honest-to-goodness curiosity at what you may feel makes a program successful. Read more…

Sample Post: A Smooth Transition: Helping Your Child Adjust to Middle School Life

Transitions to new offices, positions, and working with new colleagues (and much more!) are complex for everyone. Transitions can also be difficult for students moving from one of our two elementary schools to our regional middle school. With this in mind, I wanted to highlight our fifth-grade teacher team, a dynamic group of teachers who work tirelessly to support our students. I asked some of our teachers to share essential tips for parents as they help their children transition to middle school. Read more…

Master’s of Education in Curriculum & Instructional Technology Portfolio

As a graduate student in the Master of Education in Curriculum and Instructional Technology program, I must complete seventy-five hours of field experience distributed among the concentration courses. I am maintaining a field experience page and this digital portfolio page to document my efforts for the program.

Below are selected artifacts from the program that highlight my ability to collaborate, explore, and create. In this fast-paced educational technology landscape, these skills must be consistently fine-tuned to provide the necessary support to all personnel in my district. Twenty-first-century skills are now required for students and teachers, who must operate and thrive in a technology-infused world. Read more…

Cover Letter for Master’s Degree in CIT

Welcome to, which includes my portfolio and field experience and examples of my Master of Education degree with a concentration in Curriculum and Instructional Technology at Framingham State University. Aside from a few personal posts, the website reflects the professional growth I have experienced while enrolled in the program and showcases my understanding and efforts in educational technology. Read more…

Opening Day, Technology State of the Union 2015

Below is a transcript for a recent talk I gave before the first day of school. There were some great speakers beforehand and it is truly awesome to be apart of a team this dedicated (and funny) to giving high-quality presentations. Still much to learn…  Read more…