My Thoughts

Sharing my thoughts and ideas on infusing technology in education, connecting this back to life...Always focus on the learning, not on the technology.

Get to Know Your Technology Department

Recently, I had some fun reintroducing our district level technology team. I may have taken some liberties, but it was all in good fun and I hope our staff got a good chuckle!

When we aren’t discussing the new Digital Learning and Computer Science standards, the proper placement of Category 6 ethernet patch panels in the server room or confirming the specs on our new batch of Chromebooks, your Educational Technology Department has been known to enjoy themselves. Read more…

Peak Professional Development?

Feel free to run in whichever direction you feel these questions take you. It is something I have been pondering quite a bit as of late.

  • How much professional development is enough?
  • At what point is professional development (and the consequences of being out of district or your classroom when school is in session) too much?
  • What are our responsibilities to receive professional development on our own time? Read more…

Showcasing the “Middle” Part of the Learning Process

I‘m fortunate to be able to visit our schools on a daily basis and whenever I pass by artwork, I’m drawn in. I have a great deal of admiration for creative minds and how the arts can harness this creativity. Today, I visited the Groton-Dunstable Regional Middle School and came across an art display in our lobby, with photos that were taken during the creation process.

Often times, art projects, which take massive amounts of energy to pull off, don’t receive the attention they deserve. Even worse, projects don’t have the staying power unless they are archived “somewhere” by a photo or video.  Read more…

Luke Callahan Earns the Certified Education Technology Leader CETL Designation

Massachusetts – Luke Callahan, Director of Educational Technology for the Groton-Dunstable Regional Schools recently earned the Certified Education Technology Leader (CETL) designation by passing a rigorous certification exam.

The CETL certification, awarded by the Consortium for School Networking (CoSN), signifies that Mr. Callahan has mastered the knowledge and skills needed to bring 21st century technology to our K-12 school systems.  Read more…

Technology Got in the Way, but A+ for Effort

In a prior district, many moons ago, I worked with a teacher that had finagled this audio/visual setup.

A picture is worth more than a thousand words here. I almost look at this photo as a piece of art. This teacher wasn’t going to allow an aging Apple eMac computer, short cables and just a generally poor setup of equipment, ruin her lesson for the day. It is admirable and always wish there had been more financial support to purchase the proper equipment to make this set up work for the teacher. Read more…