My Thoughts

Sharing my thoughts and ideas on infusing technology in education, connecting this back to life...Always focus on the learning, not on the technology.

Master’s of Education in Curriculum & Instructional Technology Portfolio

As a graduate student in the Master of Education in Curriculum and Instructional Technology program, I must complete seventy-five hours of field experience distributed among the concentration courses. I am maintaining a field experience page and this digital portfolio page to document my efforts for the program.

Below are selected artifacts from the program that highlight my ability to collaborate, explore, and create. In this fast-paced educational technology landscape, these skills must be consistently fine-tuned to provide the necessary support to all personnel in my district. Twenty-first-century skills are now required for students and teachers, who must operate and thrive in a technology-infused world. Read more…

First Attempt In Learning: FAIL

When did taking a risk or even failing become such a horrible thing at school? As educators, why do we not provide ample chances at “safe risks” for students to tackle, in the friendly confines of a school environment? I liken this opportunity to driver’s education, where taking risks, under the guidance of a trained instructor, is the exact time to test one’s skills and if need be, fail.

The excitement and passion of learning and growing lies on these fringes, which just happen to be when we are pushed toward failing, not feeling comfortable and content. We want to push and guide our students past these boundaries.

Why Change Your District’s Website?

It just so happens I was recently asked to give a short quote on why we re-designed our district and school websites. Below is my short response, which was included in the local paper:

“A major factor in changing the website was to offer a cleaner, yet more dynamic canvas on which we have to share students and staff highlights to our community. The new site was also built with phones and tablets and mind, providing mobile users with a sleek experience. Personally, I would love to see more student involvement on the website with student articles of school events, capturing photos and more1”

Cover Letter for Master’s Degree in CIT

Welcome to, which includes my portfolio and field experience and examples of my Master of Education degree with a concentration in Curriculum and Instructional Technology at Framingham State University. Aside from a few personal posts, the website reflects the professional growth I have experienced while enrolled in the program and showcases my understanding and efforts in educational technology. Read more…

Opening Day, Technology State of the Union 2015

Below is a transcript for a recent talk I gave before the first day of school. There were some great speakers beforehand and it is truly awesome to be apart of a team this dedicated (and funny) to giving high-quality presentations. Still much to learn…  Read more…