All posts in Project Based Learning

Power of Constructivism in Project-Based Learning

What is the appeal of project-based learning? Buried inside, this approach is deeply rooted in how we learn. Working in groups to tackle real-world problems and to think at a higher level is apart of the human experience. It’s natural. Each day I come across tremendous lessons from my professional learning network on twitter that incorporates a “new way” of going about learning at school. Projects that made you wish you were young again. At the core of project based learning (and constructivism) is the power and responsibility that students are the center of their own learning, through primary, first-hand accounts.

Project-based learning is deeply tied to this theory and is an approach the education system should begin to look at to engage students at a deeper level. Read more…

Project Based Lesson on Immigration

For this project based lesson, fourth grade students will have access to their Google Apps for Education accounts and will use Google Chromebooks to access and research lesson materials. The estimated time for this Immigration Project is two weeks with with tasks to be completed in and out of the classroom.

Initially provide a brief reintroduction on immigration using Google Earth to visually highlight scope of mass immigration using interactive white board. Showcasing routes people from Germany, Ireland, France, Britain and China used to immigrate to the United States over the course of nearly 100-years through the 1920’s. Read more…